Episode 18 – Cheryl Green

Cheryl Green, where do I begin…Cheryl is a fellow Portlandianite who has suffered many brain injuries over her journey through life. If you were the manager at a…I don’t know, a UPS store, and she was…I don’t know…passionate about delivering boxes, she might bring in a resume that says she has a Masters of both Fine Arts and Science in Performance As Public Practice and Speech-Language Pathology, respectively. It would also say she makes films and documentaries (www.whoamitostopit.com), and runs StoryMinders, a production company that helps people with brain injuries pull themselves out of isolation and into community (sounds familiar). Of course, she is much more than just this list of accomplishments. She’s fun, upbeat, creative, and a dynamic storyteller. I am most certain you will enjoy her story, tips, and wisdom!

Also, if you are more of a reader than a listener, I attached a transcript that was done by Cheryl Green herself.

Her story begins at 13:56.

Episode 18- Cheryl Green TRANSCRIPT