To provide a virtual network for the brain injured and their loved ones, pulling them out of isolation and into the hope and light of community.
Meet the host:
In August of 2015, while shadowing a doctor in Rochester, MN, Michael crashed his bicycle suffering fractures to his skull, ribs and clavicle, as well as a subarachnoid and epidural hematoma. Skull fracture and hematoma were treated with surgery immediately and the clavicle fracture treated a few weeks after. With the love and support of friends and family, he has recovered.
Michael is currently an MD/PhD student at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He is currently pursuing a PhD in brain computer interface work and is planning to pursue a clinical career in Neurosurgery.
Michael and his Grandma Marge:
Meet the artist:
See that jacked muscle brain at the top of the site? That was created by the super-talented Hank Grossen. He has created his own comics and is constantly putting out new material. Follow him @grosspapillon on Instagram.