Episode 48 – Jim Scott
Jim is a northeastern dude through and through. If his accent doesn’t give it away, his sense of humor will. In 2006, the night before the 4th of July, Jim decided to do some drinking with some friends and then drive home. Unfortunately, on his ride home, he crashed his car and ended up in the hospital for several months, remaining in a “eyes open” comatose state for several weeks as well. The most impactful aspect of his story to me is his ability to battle through the ups and downs of recovery, including battling with alcoholism and the anger bouts after a TBI. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we both did.
His story starts at 8 min.
He also wrote a book about his recovery, More Than a Speed Bump: Life Before and After a Traumatic Brain Injury. It can be found on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/More-Than-Speed-Bump-Scott/dp/0988537079