Rik is a local Language and Speech Pathologist with a professorship at Pacific University. In addition to teaching, treating TBI survivors, and maintaining a social life, he also runs a bakery! What?! A bakery? Yes, pretty unique. A few years back he won an award at Pacific landing him a substantial amount of funds, which he decided to use towards a bakery in which people with TBI get to bake, clean, and do everything else a baker would do. The bakery is called Sarah Bellums (www.sarahbellumsbakery.org) and is only the second of its kind in the U.S. It serves many purposes including challenging survivors’ abilities to recall guidelines, follow recipes, and use short term memory. It also creates a unique community in which people with TBI can connect with one another. This conversation was really fun, and I hope you all enjoy listening to it.
You should all go check out Sarah Bellums new store at: 7828 SW Capitol Hwy Portland, OR 97219, Hours: Thursday-Sunday 11AM-5PM.