
Keep going. Don’t stop. Don’t talk about how hard things are. Just keep going.

Life is hard. Brain injuries are challenging.  As one of my favorite comedians Pete Holmes says, life is mostly suffering with brief breaks where we get together and talk about it. The least we can do is minimize the crap we throw into life to make everything more difficult, and instead take the natural, inherent crap head on. A very small, inconsequential example of this is when I have a tough set coming up at the gym. I always close my eyes, picture myself crushing the set, and then say to myself “okay, Michael, lets get some.” Its cheesy but it makes the set more bearable. You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for.

In America, we have this idea of the American Dream in which we believe we can pursue life, liberty, and happiness in complete freedom. This is great, but dreams are not real. What is real is the failure to realize this dream. What is real is the restructuring of this dream as you pursue it. What is real is feeling like this dream is impossible to reach, and then pushing to make it happen anyway. What is real is using our resources (community, technology, our own minds) to achieve great things. We are much more powerful as a group than we give ourselves credit for.

Next time you have a bad day. Think about how strong you are. Next time you are lonely, think about how many other people feel the same way. You are not special, but the life you possess is more powerful than anything. Your will is priceless, and can take you anywhere.

Brain injuries are just another very, very difficult layer to life that throw a wrench in our dreams, goals and hopes. Does it have to stop you from crushing life? No. Will it stop you? Your decision. Every day, wake up, and give yourself some damn credit. You are vulnerable, but you are also far more powerful than you know. Will you realize this strength? Up to you.

Enjoy your day, and kick some ass.
